Site Policies/Character Limits

From From Dusk till Jawn
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Players on From Dusk Till Jawn may have a maximum of four characters, with the following restrictions:

  • No more than 2 characters with the same template or sub-template (e.g. no more than 2 Changelings, or two Psychic Vampires)
  • No more than 1 character with Mantle or Status in the same organization, with the exception of City status for Vampire. You may have Mantle and Goodwill in the same court on different characters.
  • All of our other Conflict of Interest rules apply.
  • If you have a character from one sphere which has a lot of ties to another sphere, we may request that you not make a second character from that sphere. That is, if you have one Changeling character and one Vampire character who is a Blood Thorn (that is, the Fae-Touched bloodline which is capable of swearing Oaths to Changelings), that Blood Thorn's involvement with the Changeling sphere may prohibit you having a second Changeling character. This is handled on a per-case basis.