Logs:Vaguely Detached

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Anneliese Kiel and Ziv


The Freehold Hollow


Ziv sent a text message to Annie, asking her to meet them at the Freehold Hollow for a chat. They've set up camp under the bright August stars, leaning back on their webbed hands and looking up at the sky; their backpack sits next to them. Of course, they're sitting on a rock at the edge of the hot springs that Rieko spun into being, because why wouldn't they be? Wearing a neon pink bikini top which contrasts with their bottled-night-river body, Ziv's eel-like mermx tail curls down into the hot spring, liquidly stirring the steaming water as they look up into the sky and wait.

It's not long after the message letting them know she's on her way that Annie arrives at the Freehold Hollow, entering via the Spring one, still in the same pair of jeans and tight-fitting blue crop top she'd been wearing at Vertigo earlier. "Hey, Ziv," she calls, approaching the other Nymph. "You wanted to talk to me?" Once within casual conversation distance, she sits down, pulling off first her sneakers then her jeans and panties before swapping to her own tailed form, letting it slip into the hot spring.

They tip their head toward her when she comes in, their solid-black eyes following her toward the spring. There's an interesting little thing -- if and when Annie makes eye contact, then and only then do Ziv's white irises become visible, hollow white moons floating in the black of their eyes. "I did," agrees Ziv, raising a hand to wiggle their webbed fingers at her. "How are you feeling?"

"So-so?" She wobbles her own webbed hand back and forth slightly, glancing at them. "Not so bad that I am totally unaware of what is actually happening around me, just... vaguely detached from it all." There's a shrug of one shoulder. "Honestly, I am probably somewhat lucky that what happened in Dover did not hit me worse. Something to thank Spicy for, I think."

A small smile. "It doesn't seem to be Dover that has you feeling off your game," Ziv answers, stirring the water with their tail lazily, thoughtfully. "You were -- fairly obviously out of it when Aaron and I ran into you, and I couldn't tell if you were just tired, so... I did my job." They push a hand back over the shag of their hair, canting their head to the side a little. "I think there seem to be a lot of people who should be thanked, and I'm glad to hear Spicy is one of them."

"I do appreciate it, believe me." Beat "Or I would if I were not out of it, anyway," Annie says, shrugging one shoulder again. "I assume picking up on the off-ness not being simple exhaustion is why you asked me here?"

"Good. I'm glad you do." They smile at her again, nodding their head at her. "Among other things. Everyone needs to be checked up on post-Dover, it seems. A lot of people went through a great deal." One hand splays out to the side, palm up. "How can I help you? What strengthens you?"

"Beyond a contract you are probably already familiar with?" One side of her mouth curves up into a grin briefly before smoothing back out again. "Reconnecting with the tribe is the main thing that helped to ground me, when I emerged, and I do not think that has changed since."(edited)

They shake their head slightly. "Indeed not, it's on my list, but... I've had other priorities." Another ruffle of their hair with one hand. Ziv reaches that hand up to briefly touch the silver Star of David pendant at their throat. "That helps me, also. It would be pleasant to pray with you, or sing with you, if you like. Friday nights are an appropriate time, after all." They wink.

Annie chuckles quietly at that. "I do not think I have ever actually heard you sing before, but if you are willing to do so with me I will not say no." There's a brief pause as she considers them. "I could teach you it, if you want, but perhaps not right now."

Their laughter just then is a soft, gently-amused thing, like bubbles tumbling up from deep water. "I try very hard to blend in at services," Ziv answers, "but... is that true? I though you played before I sang, at a cafe not too long ago. Perhaps I'm misremembering." Their hand splays, palm up, and a smile flickers across their face, there and gone again. "Not now, but soon, I think. What would you like to sing?"

Annie blinks once at the claim she'd played at a cafe before they sang, surprise clearly penetrating her detachment, but doesn't say anything to contradict it. "Oseh Shalom, perhaps?" She glances towards them to check they're familiar with it before beginning to sing.

"Of course." There's no hesitation, though who knows if they're even singing the same setting -- there are so many versions of this extremely common Shabbat prayer. Ziv defaults to one of the most common modern settings, Debbie Friedman's, and leans back on their hands, tipping their face up toward the stars as they sing. The Siren's voice is a clear, pure mezzosoprano.

Annie joins in, singing a slightly different setting, her own voice clearly just a bit lower than Ziv's, hitting in the contralto range.

They shift settings, matching hers, and sing through it, letting out a contented sigh when the song reaches its apex and then resolves. Ziv slowly opens their eyes, stretching their shoulders and reaching to absently adjust their neon bikini top.

Annie doesn't say anything for a moment after the pair finish singing, instead letting the echoes die off before she glances towards Ziv once more. "May the Lord bless you and keep you," she says softly, in Hebrew. "The Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you."

A pleasant smile slips up onto Ziv's face, and rests there; they don't join in, merely leaning back on their hands and listening to her pray.

"The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. Ameyn," she finishes, seeming to be unoffended by their not joining in.

"I think," Ziv offers thoughtfully, "now would be a good time for some waffles." They wink, and turn themself over to reach for their shorts.