El Valiente Trueno/Hooks

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Wandering Hero: El Valiente Trueno has a habit of turning up whenever villains must be punished. If you need help, he may just appear. Or, you know, if you need someone to back you up in a fight, you could do worse.

Young But Experienced: El Pistolero awakened ten years ago, making him deceptively experienced for his age. In particular, he has focused on the Arcana of Fate and Space. El Valiente Trueno's first event was also ten years ago, and he made an immediate splash on the independent scene. He is as devoted to helping new talent get over as he is at building his career.

Shoot Fighter: Even before he started wrestling, Val was a master martial artist. He specializes in Muay Thai, though he dabbles in multiple styles. He has also learned to meld this with his magical practices, learning the art of the Adamant Hand.