Jeremiah Hamilton/Hooks

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I've Been Everywhere: While originally from a smaller city south of Boston Jeremiah has traveled quite a bit over the years, bouncing up and down the East Coast in his youth before spending about a decade in California, first at Stanford then in Los Angeles. He has been in Philadelphia since 2015, however, and has shown no signs of moving on once again.

The Power of Music: While he never "made it big" on his own Jeremiah has an impressive musical talent to call upon, and since his arrival in Philadelphia he has put that to good use in helping others to develop and show off their own talents. He owns a café in Spring Gardens called The Green Room with a dedicated performance space for local acts, and also offers private lessons in the studio he keeps above the café.

Don't Dream It, Be It: Jeremiah is a part of the local LGBTQ scene as a proud pansexual man, frequenting a number of the Gayborhood establishments and doing his part to support those in the community who feel like the world doesn't allow them to be who they truly are.

The Bright Path: Jeremiah is a member of the Illumined Path, a legacy tied to the belief that there are more stages of Enlightenment between those who Sleep and those with one or both eyes opened. Some look at the risks taken in opening the eye 'too soon' and call them brash, but the results often show that the risk is usually worth the reward...

What's In a Name: When he first arrived in Philadelphia Jeremiah was known among the Awakened as Dantalion, a nod to Pandemonium's touch on his introduction to the Supernal. After joining the Soulwardens, however, he took on the more benevolent Name of Sirius, out of a wish to help guide others to their true selves.