Logs:Mindful Routines and Kenned Magic

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Bones and Sigrun Ljosdottir


Sigrun's Forge



Sigrun is out in her forge, heat forming steel around vertical posts set into a work table. She seems to be bending the metal to make it conform to the shapes and curves of a design she has set out on a separate table, with already completed pieces formed and curved to suit the design. It looks like she's hand forging a sign mount to hang over a shop door or similar. But she's doing it by hand, and with no small amount of ornate detailing. Once she finishes the current stress bend, she lifts the bar off the table and dips its glowing bend into the oil with a hiss and a flare of fire. She lifts it back out, smoking and flaring with fire and blows it out quickly before dropping it into the cooling tray with a clang.

She takes a pause to guzzle some water.
Flowing on like energy in the air, Bones comes towards the active forge. It was a good sign that Sigrun was there after all. Smoke, hiss, fire... it was so familiar to them in its way. Today, she was, even with the weather, in a light summer dress, though she at least had a winter jacket on top, and boots to help blend into the rest of the population.

She carried a wrapped present, in simple summer designs, a sunny blue sky, and knocked on the door of the forge, "Hail, Sigrun! May I enter?"
"Yup!" Sigrun calls back, setting down her tongs and taking off her goggles and apron, "I just finished a bend, so this is a pretty good break point."

The summer dress isn't really a bad idea once she's in the actual pole barn where the forge is. Even with one of the bays open to let the heat out, the forge furnace has the interior, at least on that end of the structure, pleasantly toasty with a dry heat. It has Sigrun sweating, in fact. Which makes her hair braids a little more sensible seeming.

"Working on a gift for Sturm for her Tea Shop. What brings you by, babe?" She tugs off her gloves and sets them down, smiling broadly.
The Obrimos didn't seem to mind the heat, just like they didn't mind the cold. Taking off the jacket, however, she began to speak, "Well for one, It's been quite a while since we've hung out together. For two, you looked upset after that ... incident in the other world. And for three..." Tommy offered up the present.
"Been a little busy since the solstice," she admits. And that was over a month ago, now. Which seems both impossible and also way too short a time. She takes in a breath and sighs it out with a small shake of the head. "But you are correct. Too long." Once all of her forge gear is set down or put away, she crosses the distance to Tommy to accept the offered gift.

"Oh! My goodness! Thank you!" She carries it over to the work table to set down for unwrapping, though she waits for Tommy to join her before starting to do so. "I was upset, a little. I didn't know that would happen to you, and I thought it would be safe. I don't like being wrong about what's safe for people I care about, that's all."
"WEll, we've learned. And learning about a new realm for a Mage? Very cool stuff. It's helping me see the world a little differently, in a good wya I think!" she gave Sigrun a hug from behind to try and comfort the Fairest a touch, before moving next to her to watch her unwrap and unbox.

"I figured. I saw Teagan and Jack, and Teagan had to run... I think something hit their buttons. And so I thought I'd let y'all be together for the Holidays after Christmas' interruption. But I am here, and I care," she smiled and bounced on her feet, waiting to see what the Bright One thought of the gift.
When Sigrun is hugged from behind, it causes the unwrapping to pause for a while. In part because Sigrun really enjoys hugs, and in part because it gives Sigrun a change to explain matters maybe a little more clearly than had been explained previously. "We're keeping a secret at the moment. It's not a bad secret, and I don't think anyone is going to be hurt by it. At least I hope not. But I don't want to reveal it until the Equinox. A lot of things will change when I do, and I have to be ready."

As Sigrun is explaining this, she is guiding Bones's hands lower and lower down her belly, until all four of their hands are folded rather significantly over her abdomen. "I carry Teagan's son in me. He will be named Erikr. Erikr Teaganson. I've been trying to find a time to tell you, but..." She shrugs. It doesn't really matter, now.

"So. We have been, perhaps, a little preoccupied."
The Mage didn't ask, out of pure joy, and lifted the Lie from their gaze, pulling out their Forces, Prime and Life senses to study the pregnant Fairest. "You are pregnant? Oh, Sigrun... congratulations! Should you b e out here in the forge? Can I help, what can I do to help?" Tommy excitedly, but safely, squeezed Sigrun's abdomen and kissed her neck.
"Oh, Goddess," Sigrun says with an appeal to the skies. "My ancestors crossed oceans wives and landed mothers. I am not frail, nor am I sickly. So long as I don't overdo it, it will help me to maintain my stamina and energy longer if I continue my usual routines, simply more mindfully." Sigrun fusses a bit with the wrapping again, admitting with some displeasure, "I will have to step back from ladder duties. The smoke. It's too much risk, Teagan is right."

But this leads to a transition to a brighter tone, "But that's why I've begun the paramedic training courses. It's better pay, too. As a paramedic." Not as fun as fire fighting, though. When she gets the gift unwrapped, it takes her a while to really understand what she's seeing. Something that built to purpose tends not to be an obvious thing to look at, and it has been-- as she had said --quite a month.

"Oh, holy shit! Is this...?"
Inside of the wrapper, was a box for a digital forge thermometer. The box had been opened, however, and once the item taken out, small, strange runes were left etched in the plastic shell, along the cables, and even on the probes. Each time that Sigrun looked, they were obviously magical, butalmost seemed to shift in what they looked like. Along with the usual directions in the box, there was a sticky note that said Speak 'fire' and you'll be able to set the temperature of the flame with the device to the exact temperature you want on the forge. It does require magical fuel, so if you use it ten times, let me know and I can refill it for you. 'Fire' was the written down version of Faroese.
"Oh, that's handy! Clever! Not too awful many people can accidentally hit upon that word, huh? Just gotta be careful which songs I sing around the forge, but. That's clever. I like it more for the safety of it than anything else." Sigrun turns her head to kiss Bones's cheek on her shoulder. "But it's set it and forget it, right? So once I set in a temperature, it will just maintain that? Because I could work out a real efficient process to make the most of your batteries. But wow! This is going to-- seriously --this is going to make things so much easier for me out here. You have no fucking clue. It's easier in the Hedge, but you can't work certain things there the way you can out here. Iron, among them."

She sets the contraption down and runs her hands above the runes, not quite sure how they're affixed. "I ken magic here. If I cover over the runes, do they lose their power? Sometimes plain folk come and go from my garage, and I'd hate to cause you any trouble."
She blushed at the compliments and the kiss, "It will last until you remove the item from the forge. If you want it to be 1,134.53 degrees? It'll stay there as long as the flame has fuel. Each activation is Indefinite, in our terms, so that it just ... goes."

"As long as its a cover and not a destruction of the symbols. I think you'll be fine.. even an illusion could help. Also, as long as you make a show of adjusting the fuel supply or some such... basically make the Sleepers think that you're doing the temperature thing, and it's not obviously magical, it shouldn't ... mess with them too much. Or the spell. I think. Some folx are harder to judge than others about those sort of effects..."

While Sigrun studied the item and gushed about it, Bones studied the fae woman with Life, making sure she and her unborn son were okay.
Sigrun is probably a real treat to look at under life sight. Strong and sturdy, rather than long and lithe. The broad back and shoulders, and wide hips which Tommy has appreciated before under entirely different circumstances. Her tree trunk thighs, and stone hard calves. She was birthed for far work and then trained to hold a shield wall. And she is darn good at both tasks. Apart from age, there's really nothing in her pattern to suggest any difficulties may arise in the near term. And deep inside her uterus, there is a little squiggle of semi-autonomous life bonded to her uterine wall. Its little heart has developed and the heart tissue is pumping rapidly. A nervous system is forming. It's all very five new yet. If magic hadn't told her first, she'd probably only just be going to a doctor for a confirmatory test this week.

Sigrun busies herself with the thermometer, slipping away to mount it into place on top of the furnace. She then heads over to grab some sheet tin, make some eyeballed sketches on it, and then it's off to the press. And from there to a ball anvil. It's noisy work, but quick, and when she's done with it, Sigrun takes tin snips and begins cutting around the edge of the domed and notched creation in her hands. Once completed, she steps over and drops the tin heat shield over the central box and wiring, and thus the runes, but leaves the leads and digital display exposed. Veil maintained.

"Good enough for guvmint work."
"Wow... just wow..." she said softly as she looked over SIgrun. And it wasn't even the Scrutiny of it, because that was invasive to a whole nother level. Just... the absolute physical perfection of the Valkyrie.

And after a glance to the box, a smile and a chuckle, "better than any govmit work I've ever seen."
"Hmm?" Sigrun, who does not have mage sight and has no idea what is going on besides she's somewhat being ogled, looks back to Bones with some wry amusement. Bones, it seems, has permission to ogle her in her forge if they want to.

"Normally it's Teagan reacting that way to me after I make something by sight like that." The excess Tin is tossed into the recycling sack for tin scraps. Waste not, want not.
They went over to the scraps, and started shaping the items into actual sheets again, or ingots, depending on the materials.

"I was looking you over with Life magic," she said, "In addition to a very healthy baby boy, I saw the absolute physical perfection that you are, in Truth," that T was audible.

"I've missed you all. It was so good to see Teagan, and then you and Laura. And oh my... Hyena is ... is there a femme version of Stud Muffin?" She did use her auditory senses to further study Sigrun, because she was curious and oogling was important.
When Sigrun realizes Bones can just reform all of her shop waste back into useable raw materials, her eyes get real wide. She sidles out of the shop, holding up one finger as though to beg for patience. And then she starts wheeling the dumpster out from the side of the barn where the salvage she stripped for parts and useful materials is dumped, bound for a yard. She glances aside at the pile of hardened steel and corrosion that occupies the bin, then looks back to Bones with big, big doe eyes. That? Is a lot of raw steel.

"Yep. The femme version of a stud muffin is Laura. That's-- yes. June, too, actually." She blushes at that name, now, too. "You've met June, right?"
This time, Bones chants for some time, while pulling out her petrified wood wnad from her satchel. It looked even more hardened stone compared to regular petrified wood. They also picked up an ingot of already forged steel to use as an example.

THen she touched the dumpster full of items with her wand and climbedin to it.

"No, I have yet to meet June. I've caught her scent, I think, and maybe some of the pictures in the house or something... but not in person."