Logs:Perfecting Kisses and Cadres

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Bones, Kenzie, Lesja, Thespis


Arboretum of the Martyr's Tree



Master Bones of Magic, Sentinel of the Consilium of the Martyr's Tree, was dressed in a black business suit, off the rack style. and sat on a bench with their (perfected) leather journal and (perfected) steel and gold pen. He was sketching notes as the most recent Mage left the bench.

They glanced up at the Mother, the Tree, and thought of all the wonder to it, across multiple dimensions.
Kenzie had not really come to the Arboretum and has been told by a far too many to come check it out. She makes her way to the place, sans any backpack today, simply dressed in her classic cropped henley, cargo pants and an old 80's army jacket for warmth. Spotting Bones, she pretends not to see him as she heads his way pretending to be distracted. Image
Bones continued taking notes, muttering to himself, "Astral, Mists, Physical, SHadow, Underworld, Digital... all realms? Under attack in at least one... separate Ministry? Different Pylon? Or joint efforts... Timeline ... Fate... ugh..." they scrubbed his own face.
His muttering caught her ear as she got closer, taking the seat next to him and leans in close, not in a sexual way but a WTF is going on way as she tries to peep his notes. 'Wait, whats going on?"
"Oh. Sorry Aperture," a smile, "I was just going over my notes, and doing some interviews with my newly appointed role as Sentinel. Lots of goings ons, between the Tree, the attacks on it, the dream symbols... the Robocops. I'm trying to determine if this is a single effort from multiple directions, or if multiple attacks are going on at once."
"In my experience, that sort of coincident isn't all that common. ---" She looks at him. "Whats the best way to thin a defense? You make them spread thin. Whats the best way to make a line spread thin?" Letting it sink in a bit as she turns to look at the Tree, leaning back on the bench with an arm along the back of the chair behind him. "Perhaps fresh eyes, or a history review will help something click for you? You love old stuff and talking, teach me about this tree as if I dont know anything about it."
"So, this is the Tree, after which the Children of the Tree take the name. As such, it is also known as The Mother. White Colonialists, doing what white colonialists do, moved in without regard to the locals. The original Consilium name has been lost, but is referred to as the Tukihëla... or 'Wake Up' in the Lenape tongue. The main aggressor was an Obrimos of the Silver Ladder named Gaveston. It was ... by all accounts... terrible."

He pulled his (perfected) steel and gold flask out to take a drink of the water inside of it, and offered it to her, before continuing, "The Archmaster of the Lenape invoked the Rights to speak with Gaveston, he said that an Archmaster shouldn't be involved... Something happened when he told her the punishment was usually death. But somehow, she began to sing, and as she sang, this Tree sprouted. No one could find any trace of the Archmaster afterwards. The Council of the Wise, save Gaveston, accepted the Lenape. As such, every member of the Council takes their name from that first council, except for Gavestion's name, which is replaced by Penance."
She takes mental notes as he spoke. Taking a sip of the drink and hands it back. “So, theoretically, if we lived a movie plot, whoever’s behind this could be sprouted from Gavey.”
"Across hundreds of years, and even the future from our poitn of view... its possible, for sure, because the other side Cheats. However... huh... that does give me an idea."
She furrows a brow as if to have him continue.
"I don't know what happened to Gaveston after the Tree sprouted. Not the details at least."
Lesja filters in from lobby side of the arboretum, heading for the section where the children of the tree set out their bits and bobs to perfect in potentia emitted by the tree. She adds a length of heartwood from a tree branch, just a few inches in length, and then double-checks her remaining unperfected items with a small frown.

All that done, she turns about to offer the pair a two fingered ticky salute. "Hallo."
She nods to bones. "I'd be curious to see if we could find out, Did her Aaron Burr it or hidey hole and plot a loooong game." She smiles to her favorite Ukrainian. "Hey! Glad to see you in slightly less tense times." She offers a side smirk.
"Lesja, my lovely, you are a s shining a star as ever broke the night's darkness in an Ukrainian Winter Night," a grin.
"That is good?" Lesja inquires of Bones, as though she's unclear. She sleeps in Ukraine Winters a lot and knows better, see. She's grinning a little at that, however.

"I'd be curious to see if we can, too. Sorry. I'm nosy and I have opinions." Kenzie is offered a smile that makes it clear prior tensions are not associated with her directly.

"Likewise! I was just adding something new to perfect. My oracle dice just finished cooking." This is presented as a very cool thing everyone should be impressed with, at least so suggests her eyebrows.
"Ooo. I see! I, myself, have been working it through the European traditions of spirit gating them. I'm sure the Mother's abilities would make it stronger, but ..." lifted the journal and pen, "The Gate did it's job."
She chuckles happily. "Good good, I'd be curious about your opinions as well. I know the basics of Philly and it's history but, for those of you that have been very well established, filling in blanks, and perhaps my fresh eyes, we might see something we hadn't before. ----" She chews her lower lip a tad. "Or I am getting some nasty hubris and I am about to be smacked. It's really hard to tell sometimes."
Once Lesja has finished her tending of her little clutch of mundane eggs working on becoming magic beans, she ambles over to a bench and lies down across it on her back, hands folding over her belly and the thermal she's wearing.

"No. That is how it is done. Fresh eyes. Stupid questions. The only hubris is in assuming nothing is gained from another's perspective." This person used to be a Guardian of the Veil, lol. She looks to Kenzie and encourages her with a small nod. "Question. Where do you want to start?"
"I plan on digging into the Archives of the Nation, the Assembly, and the Consilium."
She laughs more. "Well, the most important is, how is Lady cluck cluck?, Second, I was having Bones here just go over the history as he knows it. Something started to click and ponder but he failed to tell me said thought. So, I am stuck until his brain reboots and hopefully it was stored properly and didn't get lost in a RAM dump. --- Though, we did sort of leave off with, whatever happened to Gavey---er, Gaveston after the events? Was he killed, did he Aaron Burr it and just lose all clout and go into hiding, or did he hidey hole it for some long game and were seeing his effects now."
"That Was my Idea, Kenz. To look into Gaveston."
"He wrote the only surviving copy of the original colonial Lex Magica of the Delaware Valley. Of course, he was also the reason the Waking Up and its laws ended here. My hunch is you will not have paid too awful much attention to that particular document or its provenance."

"Which now that we say all of these facts close together really makes me uncomfortable." https://www.fromdusktilljawn.com/wiki/Mage/Theme/Lex_Magica Lex Magica
"Well how was I supposed to know that?!" Her tone teasing as she smiles. "Im not a Misty Masto mind reader like some of us!" She kept teasing and ends it with a melodramatic huff.

She nods a bit to Lesja. "I'm asking the obvious questions, because obvious answers are not always obvious. When we break things down like you're explaining to a 5 year old, and lets be honest, thats as far as my Acanthus brain has matured." Teasing softly "Obvious answers present themselves. Its a tool I use to draw out things easily missed."
"You do draw many things out, my dear Kenzie," he taps the bench a few times, watching Kenzie migrate after the next distraction, before looking back to Lesja, "So many things. Now that I've been made into a freaking Sentinel, I feel the need to collate a lot of these problems and look for the various connections."
"That is how it is done," Lesja repeats with confidence and a smile that is becoming serene. "When I was trying to do what you are trying to do, I had to do it in secret. It was criminal when I was doing it. So hopefully your authority will carry your work further than mine could. You'll have all my notes in the archives."

"You'll do fine, by the way. As a sentinel, I mean. My hunch is your perspective will make you one of the best. Violence is absolutely the least important part of the job."
"So Cam said... I mean... So the Hierophant said."
"You disagree?"
"I trust Cambyses, and I'm getting behind the mindset. You know me however, I'm used to being behind the scenes, without politics, without titles. Just ... me and my books."
"So you need a deputy willing to handle politics. Who do you know that fits the bill? Talk to them, then talk to Cambyses. She's in for a penny, ask for the pound."
A pique of the brow and a shake of the head at Lesja, "Nah. I'm here to be that outsider of a sort. They happened to pick me, a mage with a near infinitesimal ability to lie, and a sleepwalker who's abilities to investigate, and infuriate are getting to be well known."
"I will admit, the whole business looks formed in the shape of a thorn. Do you know whose sides you're being jabbed into and why?" Lesja remarked once to having once been a councilor. That claim may be starting to sound less incredible.
"My guess is everyone's."
"'If I have to leave my office again your next sentinel will be a weinereimer'?" Lesja's Cambyses impression is terrible, but pretty funny.
He starts laughing, a belly laugh, at that, "Something like that. And me for giving her the information that forced her to share it..."

From their flask, a drink of water is had, "I've already met with Cam... I have put in for appointments with the Adamant Sage, the current Yaroslav," which they eyed Lesja heavily at that, "with ideas to go to Maine and other Consiliums with connections to the Caucus," they rolled their neck, "My Deputy is seeking to meet with the Deacon for personal reasons, but likely will have some of this come up, given the Ladder's love of titles.... the only order that I haven't had some direct connection to yet, leadership or document wise is your former one. Though I have spoken to a few individual members about such things. Penthouses are so comfortable this time of year."
"Pheme. Leta. Hearth. Walsingham. Those are the guardians I personally trust, in order of how much I trust them. Most to least. May that be of some help to you." She lifts a hand to scratch at her chin, then folds it back up on her tummy.

"I'm happy to help however I can. I've been... sort of enjoying being me lately. I've provided two familiars to allies of the lodge. Lost Boys, both. Ever since I realized little victories are important, too, I've become a little obsessed. It's making me a better person, I'm fairly certain. Which seems to be making me a worse agent?"

The blind spot there is just too fucking real. She doesn't see it. Probably, she can't.

"Anyway. Maybe I can help you with a little victory, too." She sits up on the bench and swings her legs off to pop up to her feet. "Or at least to relax."
They made the notations in his notebook, and smiled at that.

"I've been in contact with two of them. I haven't met Leta, I don't believe, and I was actually thinking of going... deeper. If I'm to be a thorn, why not ask Cypher?" a mischievous grin.

"What little victory is that?" he tilted his head and studied the Ukrainian.
"Mmm. Just be careful. A lot of people mistake not being here to make friends with not minding if they make enemies. There is an art to being the right kind of asshole, and he will have had so much more practice than you. So. Just. Be careful. Have a plan." Lesja lets out a big slow breath and scratches at her cheek this time. All that wind burn.

"Every little victory. Doesn't matter which. For me it started with pairing people with Spirits. And afterwards just.. any little kindness I can find, really." She ambles over to sit down on the bench beside Tommy, patting their knee gently.

"Fox is good at that. I used to marvel at it, now I just do it instead."
"Fox is very kind," they leaned against Lesja, "So is that who I saw with Soteria then? One of the familiars?"
"Oh! You met the asterisk query! Yes. Jane and Wildcard. Yes, that's correct. Wildcard came from Myrne. Yup. Mmhm. Yes, I did that, that was me!" Lesja's smile is gigantic, there are dimples and teeth and everything.
"They were playing MOrtal Kombat the night that I brought the Artefacts. It was... quite a night."
"Speaking of," Lesja begins, her hand still on Tommy's knee.

She leans in closer, nice and slow, so that any casual observer would be excused for assuming what Lesja murmurs into Tommy's ear is tawdry naughty bedroom talk.

"We located a hearth and evidence of settlement in a cave along the river in Myrne. A silver coin dating to King Lysimachus of Macedon, 4th century BCE. Had a spirit named Apairos bound to it. We think it may have actually once existed in The Library."

He'll know the one.

"I sealed the cave once I had the coin. If you wanted to go dig around in me some later." Her eyes are unwavering, and her eye contact unflinching. "I wanted you to have dibs if you liked. Something told me you might need a break at some point."
As usual in a situation like this, Bones' face turned neon red, matching some of the fruit taken from the Tree in the past. His arm wrapped around her and listened close. Then he started bouncing in his seat at the thought... and then turned back to a blush and a grin, "I'll go digging through you anytime," with more confidence than the past, but still with that blush.

"I would love to help explore all of it. Every new discovery, every depth, every new facet..."
Lesja's laughter is sudden and bright, and really fucking rare in its possession of all of those qualities at once. Whatever she hoped to get out of this offer seems to have already been exceeded by that reaction.

"Do you have winter camping gear and tools, or will I get to give you more gifts? Although you'd be welcome to stay at the farm while working on the site, I'm sure, if it came down to it. I can get you to and from, I basically live co-located."
"I do have my survival gear, it is true, for digs of all sorts. Though of course, the cold doesn't bother me anyways...." and then they realized, "Oh, wait. Yes. The Farm. The Farmhouse sounds great."
"Fox is naked a lot, but that's an added bonus to the amenities, generally. You won't be sleeping in past dawn, because it's a farm and the animals won't let you. But you'll learn to love it." Lesja's smile is softening from its bright extremes, her eyes making a real meal of his features from this new, much improved proximity. "I feel a bit like the dog with the bumper in its mouth now."
That blush heightened once again, "Considering that's how I met her, I would not object. Two, or more, beautiful people at the farm, with all the animals with which to talk as well?" "That's... That sounds wonderful. Makes me think I need to work on my discipleship..."
"All sorts come and go from the farm these days, and I do think they're all beautiful people. But I also take your meaning and am still wondering what I'm doing with the bumper in my mouth."

After just a bit more consideration, she goes right on ahead and puts both of her hands back into Tommy's hair to pull him right on in to a kiss. As with so many of Lesja's actions lately, it probably seems a bit sudden, but also thoroughly considered. And since she's decided to kiss him, it's thorough. No reservation, and intense in its purpose. It cannot linger long, therefore. But kisses like that don't need to.

"Do that. It will be here waiting for you when you're ready."
He returns the kiss with equal passion and gratitude. The Obrimos had plenty of passion. As soon as it had parted, they smiled, "Fucking hell. Why haven't I done that before... and in the presence of the Mother too? What would she say, I wonder..."

Kenzie made her way back, happy as can be and oblivious to most things, she went to reclaim her seat near Tommy if there was room. "Oh sorry about that, I had to see a cat about a bird, and some kid was being bullied so I was able to scare off the other kids. I love the little ripples of butterflies. Aaaaanyway. I miss anything fun? I feel like I started to ask, and figure things out then ran away. --- I also realize I am in a ramble yet again so I will just hush up now!" Offers a bright sweet smile.
"I was scared to, I think? We can talk about it later, if you like. Plenty of time for talking on a dig. You won't mind if I help, I hope."

She seems not at all put off by Kenzie's return. If you don't want your kissing interrupted, don't do it at the center of civic life for your people! She deposits another quick kiss on Tommy's lips, and then assumes a slouch on the bench opposite Kenzie with Tommy between them.

He's surrounded by Acanthus, in other words.

"We were talking about little victories, and an ancient site we found in a cave near my farm. There was kissing. Before that, tho? You were asking questions about Gaveston and the old consilium and the Wake Up and so on. And that was working well. What did the butterfly end up wanting, by the way?"
Bones sighed happily, being between two Acanthus that he cared a lot about. WOrds weren't needed right now.
She nods as she listens being caught up. "Awww, I missed kissing?!" She pouts a bit. "Oh yeah, the butterfly. It was a rather interesting gal. It needed me to scare off a bird that was near his home."
Whiskey in hand Thespis walked into the Arboretum, what he found was a small group of mages already in conversation. He stood back a bit, not wishing to intrude, best for others to engage first and be invited in
"The potential for kissing is always present if you're not a coward, I can hear Fox saying. I'm pretty pro-kissing. If not a pro at kissing. Big fan, though." She bobs her reassurance over Kenzie's way.

Her brows twitch up. "Serious butterfly business. Was the bird okay?" This is all treated like important information, of course.

Her head pops up in an owlish manner when Thepsis not-quite-lurks. "Hullo." Her head tilts in a manner Lady Cluck Cluck would recognize. "If you lie across our laps, there's room."

"Hello Thespis!" a bob of his head, in a very Bones' manner, "Please join us. We have space indeed, as Lesja has said."
She waves to Thespis happily, having met him recently. She was happy she was seeing more and more familiar faces. Though, the important business, the bird. She nods with a smile. "Of course! The bird was just trying to get some food so some seeds were found and given. It was all very sweet."

She finally looks to Thespis again and offers a wave and a smile again. "Hey Hollywood, how're you doing?"

She smirks to Bones. "Now you're just trying to get greedy." Her tone teasing and happy.
he walks over, nodding, "I simply didn't wish to interrupt you." he says, "Bones, Kenzie, good to see you both." he turns to Lesja and offers a hand, "I have not had the pleasure." he smiles, "Things have been well Kenzie, everythings up and running at the agency, just need to expand the client list now."
Lesja accepted the hand, shaking it firmly. Hers is rough from farm labor and squeezing triggers. Her smile manages to reach her eyes, "Oleksandra Vasylovna." It's a mouthful. Which may be way she ammemds with a touch the her chest, "Lesja."

She manages not to laugh at Kenzie's ribbing of Bones by sucking in her lips and biting down a little.
"I am an Obrimos, doesn't everything under the light already belong to me?" they said, playing with the stereotypes.
She laughs happily. "I am enthused the Goddess Misty Mastos has finally admitted to such things. It only took one or two kisses from the sweet Lesja is appears. It makes me curious what magics I can unlock with the same." She teased a bit before looking to Thespis. "I think I might do it. It could be hilariously bad seeing me in a random PMS commercial or some amazing pill with side effects of diarrhea while I am dressed in all white."
"Really?" he asks, a bit wide eyed, "Trust me, if the right amount of work, Public Services Announcements would never have to cross your mind." he smiles, "Acting is a sacred career, becoming another person and giving the audience a glimpse into another world, it's amazing." he sighs wistfully, "I tried to go into acting, I really did. . .but the agency life was where I thrived most so I'm helping others make it to the screen, just as I hope to help you." he smiles to the young mage before turning to Bones, "I think that all belongs to Simba."
Lesja starts barking big belly laughs when Kenzie lets loose with her broadside. The Ukrainian nearly doubles over, leaning forward onto her knees as her shoulders shake from teary-eyed laughter. She swats Tommy's knee a few times, then rises to her feet.

"I and my lips of truth-seeing +2 should be on about our business. Time to tuck in the farm." Rather than walking off, she simply grows indistinct for a moment, and then stops existing here at the speed of thought.
This all just made him laugh, happy to be among friends, turning to kiss first Lesja, and then the opposite direction to kiss Kenzie. THen they waggled their brows at Thespis.

"Be still my beating heart, they know the Lion King."

And then Lesja was gone, and he laughed again.
Her eyes go wide as Lesja just disappears. "Oh god! is that spontaneities combustion?! Did I laugh her into spontaneous combustion?! Can we get her back? I never got kisses!" Half worried, half knowing it was probably space magic. But she was one for theatrics.

"Who... doesnt? I mean, i'm hardly 19 and -I- know of the lion king. Is there some weird millennial knowledge theft on Disney classics?"
"I'm pretty sure everyone's seen the Lion King, although my favorite is Hunchback." he shrugs, "Hellfire is the best disney villain song, hands down."
"Well, I assume it's because of your level of raw magnetism, that you consumed all of the best media that the 90s had to offer us old farts," they replied to Kenzie.

"Villian Songs? I like Princess and the Frog."
"YES!" She stands and points to Bones then begins to sing "I've got friends on the other side!"

"Such an under rated and under appreciated villain and song. So---" She looks between the two. "If you were a villain, how would your song go?"
"That is a good beat," he admits, "Has a real Warlock feel too if I do say so myself." he shrugs, "If I had a villain song. . ." he thinks for a second, "Honestly, it'd be something along the lines of Candy Store, seeing how I'm trying to offer people careers as stars." he laughs and begins to sing, "Honey whatcha waiting for, step into my Candystore!" he goes with all the enthusiasms of someone who was in the Drama club
"I... huh. A villian song? For me? Probably something like a robinhood theme to it. Taking knowledge from those who hoard it, to spread it to those who need it..."
"Ooooh, thats good. I like it" She grins to Thespis and looks to bones for his answer next.

She giggled softly to Bones. "I didn't expect that one fully, but super cute. I think for me, It would be very darkwing duck ish. Like, high tempo, fast with a bit of chaos." She nods happily. "So, Bones, want to come act with me? I think it could be really fun."
"Chaos seems to be your main selling point, capitalize on it, big manic pixie girl energy." he nods in agreement with her, then looks to Bone for their answer
"No. But I do need an agent," they shifted their stance, looking now like Dr. Thomas Shanks, "All the media with my recent published materials is bringing a focus to all my previous digs. Some sort of PR firm would be lovely... though I'm not exactly a Talent in the traditional sense."
She went to sit back down, Electing Tommy's lap as she did so. "That sounds like a totally specific sort of agent for sure. But I am totally just making a WAG here." She nods and grins to Thespis. "People seem to take well to it. But I don't often over do it. When I do, I go big though. Just you wait." The last bit sung like the Hamilton musical
"You'll be back," he says, adding some British to it, "But really, a PR agent would do you good, I could ask around if you want, I've met some." he offers before turning to Kenzie, "So, is it official then, your ready to be my client?" he asks with a beaming smile, "What experience do you have so far in acting?"
"I was fucking fantastic as Martha Brewster in my high school play, Arsenic and old lace. So as you can tell, I am sort of a big deal." She said entirely seriously and deadpanned.

She whispers something to Tommy before sitting upright again. "Do you think I would make an ok actress? I mean, its never been anything I thought of doing before, it sounds pretty fun though, and very interesting to be on the other side of a camera lens."
Tommy looked between the two a tilt of the head, "Oh, so I'm not your kind of talent, but you have friends? I see how it is, thanks," a tease to Thespis.

Their face went bright red again at Kenzie's whispers and they struggled out, "I... I think you'd be great... you have great facials... facial expressions."
"Can I be completely honest with you Kenzie?" he says, also deadpan, "Hollywood A-List titles, that what I see in your future." he offers in all honesty, "Bones, if you'd love to act I would love to represent you, but Talent and PR are two very unique things, I could do some PR management for clients, but sounds like you need someone who specializes in it." he imparts, "What kind of roles would you be interested in?" he asks Kenzie
"Oh, uhm---" She turns red as he says that and she mutters a bit. "Comedy probably. I'm told I can be funny at times." She teased. "Not to typecast myself, I feel like I could slip onto almost anything."
"Oh, uhm---" She turns red as he says that and she mutters a bit. "Comedy probably. I'm told I can be funny at times." She teased. "Not to typecast myself, I feel like I could slip onto almost anything."

"....I'll keep that in mind..." he said to Thespis, "Dr. SHanks might need PR... or someone to manage the interviews at least...I should consider it..."

And then he rested his chin on Kenzie's shoulder, kissing her cheek.

"Then with Thalia as my witness, you shall be a queen of comedy." he gives a light bow, "You two make a cute item." he offers, chuckling at the PDA

"Thanks," a smile honestly towards Thespis, "Though don't be surprised at the other partners I have."

She laughs. "Oh yeah, I totally do not do the relationship thing. I am an Acanthus through and through." She admitted freely and carefree. "If we click, cool, if not, whatever."

"I've tried love, seemed good but eventually didn't vibe, separate ways and all." he shrugs, "Been focusing on my career for a bit-"

Oh, is that what we call heartbreak now Bones can here a feminine voice say

he winces, "but if something comes along, who knows what fate has in store." he takes a swig for the whiskey flask, "New city, new life."

"Though, the queen of comedy doesn't sound bad. The next Kaley Coucoco but less annoying, and I won't have to be as crass as all the girl comedians to make it work. Thats the dream right there."

He pointedly looked at the Goetia, studying her now that she spoke and wasn't just following Thespis, "There are many who can hear or see you, Madam. You might wish to be more kind to your partner's desires and personal privacy, especially considering his job."

the Goetia laughs as he himself sighs, Bones can see a redskinned woman with curving horns, blond hair, and bat like wings.

"Bones, meet my familiar, N'Kai, a succubus for all intents and purposes." he motions to where she now materializes, "And Bones makes an excellent point, don't go revealing the skeletons in the closet." he looks then sighs, "But I guess it would be best to let you in." he begins, a tad unsure, "The reason I was encouraged to leave LA was. . .guilt by association, my ex," he says the word with every hint of disdain and poison, "Defected to the Seers, I'm the only surviving member of our Cadre due to the betrayal." he admits, "At first I was treated like the survivor of a great loss. . .then they started thinking 'why did she spare her lover, clearly he's a spy', no evidence was found but I was eventually suggested to leave, I took that rather than something more. . permanent."

"Huh, what did I do?!" Shes on his lap, she cant see who hes looking at.

Then Thespis tells his story. She frowns and moves to his side of the bench he was on and leans in for a long hug. Just holding him. "That fucking sucks. Im so sorry."

He gets up and hugs the other side of Thespis.

"I saw your message, of course, about Cadres. And with our conversations... I've been trying to get Aperture here to join a cadre. And there's also Master Peri of the Mysterium as well, that I'm thinking of having join..."

he seems shocked at the hugs, but doesn't do anything to dissuade them, "I'm trying to find individuals to work with, networking is important but a group can do far more than a individual." he says, "Thank you, at least here it seems guilt by association is not a thing, but that's LA for you." he shrugs, "I'm looking for people who would be interested in guiding sleepers, diplomacy, and sticking it to the Seers," he looks at Kenzie, "Don't suppose that sounds intresting?" he chuckles

"Well, as the Sentinel in charge of the investigation to the Seer-sponsored robots? I think I have some of that."

"I mean, first, LA is run by the cult of scientology. So, everyone seems to bow to them. Secondly, nothing sounds more fun or invigorating." She stands up again after the hug and a quick forehead kiss to Thespis. She leans over and kisses Tommy. "Psyche says that she's your Deputy too. Good for her. Two very good people for the task. If I can help at all, well, I am here."

he grins at Bones, "My interest was heightened when I heard the Eye was involved, that's where she ran off to, so blinding them. . .well, who needs therapy." he cackles

"Either of you like politics?" he laughed.

"No one -likes- politics, but its a needed evil. I have even lobbied congress a few times on different issues. But nothing formal in our community."

"Depends on the politics, Mage politics is fun, but clearly bit me in the ass, Sleeper politics is just too toxic." he replies, "I'm a registered Democrat, but otherwise not my style."

"I was advised just a bit ago that I should consider getting a deputy that can handle the politics of my investigation and the like. Psyche is good at the investigation, but is a sleepwalker and even here, there will always be a slight difference between the Sleepwalkers and the Awakened. Plus she's pissed off a few folx in a while."

She laughs and nods. "That she has, yes. It doesnt matter how good of a job you do, if you can't play nice, you can't play. Seems like a simple concept."

"Like I said, Mage Politics I can try," he offers, "If you'll allow me, I wish to help anyway I can."

"Then I'll throw in some paperwork at the Council and Hierophant. Let them know I need a Guardian Deputy... that should be amusing."

She laughs softly again. "I feel a little hurt now." She pouts. "I guess you don't simply get jobs by being on your knees." She teased Bones wanting to see him go red.

His eyes went wide and the face did blush, "No Kenzie, you are less controversial, from where I stand. The Council is allied with the Children of the Tree. The Mysterium is aligned with the Tree.. we're all kind of connected. I'd love to get you deputised as well, and have you research where you think you'd be best."

"Hopefully not, then it sounds like we're not doing our jobs at policing right." he chuckles at Kenzies words, "But yes, I'd love to help with the investigation, prove my worth and hopefully show to be someone people would wish to join a Cadre with."

She laughs as well and kisses Tommy again. "Oh hush. I am just teasing. Fate will guide me to where and when I need to be."

As they kissed Kenzie, he slapped her ass sharply, a grin into thek iss.

"Thespis. Would you like to come to my home, see the sanctum and things? Maybe talk about more official connections?"

"I would love to." he nods, ignoring the PDA and turning to Kenzie, "I would also love to set up some time to talk to my newest star client."

The slap came as a surprise as she jerks into him away from the assaulting hand and the loud smack on her butt. "Ouch, but mmm." She grins. She looks to Thespis. "Oh yeah for sure. I have your card and I'm pretty sure I shot you a text so you have my number too?"

"I can bring you both now, or later, or separate. Up to y'all," the Texan coming out.

Poit. Lesja returns to the precise point in space she'd been in prior, only now she's got a puppy in a backpack on her back and a small white-yellow checken, mid fluff molt. Apparently 'putting the farm to bed' means obsconding with some of its animals and taking them with you to Philadelphia. She peers about to see who is still present. "Oh! Hullo again." She lifts the chicken, "She says hi."

"Is that a chicken?" Thespis asks with a raised eyebrow, "Well. . .it's a arboretum so sure, bring the wildlife."

The practice of Unveiling allowed them to speak to the animals, and so he did!

"Hello young puppy, and young chicken. It is a pleasure to meet you both. I am called Bones."

"Uuuh no Thespis." She says sassy as fuck. "Thats Lady Cluck Cluck and you should show some respect." She clearly is now trying to hold back a huge laugh, only half successful.

"Pupyat," Lesja introduces, turning her back to flash the puppy. His ears are floppy and fuzzy, his tongue is pink. He is very happy to see everyone, clearly. "And Lady Cluck Cluck." She lifts the chicken indicatively before offering the chicken over to Kenzie with a big grin. "Yes. Put respect on the name, please."

"Pupyat's a rescue pup from the exclusion zone around Chernobyl. A gift from Mei. What did I miss? Kissing, I hope."

he bows the chicken, "I am honored to meet you, mighty Lady Cluck Cluck." he says reverently, "And whose this little pupers, aw he is so cute!" he says, a side many would be surprised to see of the Gaurdian

"Well met, Lady Cluck Cluck, and nice to see you once more Pupyat," a smile and a bob of their head.

His hand, palm forward, is extended to the dog for them to sniff.

She happily takes Lady Cluck Cluck to play with the cute, dumb little chick. "Its ok Lady Cluck Cluck, you have my love even if they dont understand." She smirks to Lesja. "Yes kissing, though some slapping too. Oh and I am to become a Queen once Thespis does his thing."

"Spanking, not slapping. Important difference."

"I don't know, both land on cheeks if done properly," Lesja observes with a thoughtful expression, even as she's shrugging out of her pup-pack. She unzippers the pack to take Pupyat out, offering the wiggling fuzzball over to Bones with another big smile.

"I found I like hugs. I used to be very touch-phobic. But now I am sort of ... making up for lost living-being contact. So nurturing little things that like sleeping on me is a pretty selfish pursuit. Honestly. But they are so helpless and stupid. So." Pupyat tries to jump up and lick Bones on the face, for example. Not bright! But cute.

"Didn't mean to interrupt. I can be on about my way."

"No, please stay if you wish." Thespis offers, "I was just talking business to the love birds, but they do give nice hugs." he shrugs, "We were discussing the potential of a Cadre."

"Whats love got to do with it" She sang the lyric with a smirk. "If I had space, and knew Tommy wouldn't murder me or kick me out, I would totally attempt to keep Lady Cluck Cluck. Shes just so damn cute!" She looks at the others. "I am way more into puppies, but Lesja was smart to simply fill my hands with her chick."

Now that they were done hugging, and currently snuggling the puppy, their grin was huge. To help with the touch, they sat down next to Lesja once again, leaning against her so their weight could provide some of that touch.

They happily let the puppy kiss them, and returned the kisses, talking in words that the dog and bird could understand about how cute they all were. [2:28 PM] "I've three more guest rooms, at least!"

"Good." Someone, at least, is enthusiastic about this. "It's been just us and the Soulwardens for so long, we'd be thrilled to have another Cadre around town. If there's anything Zhar-Ptitsa can do to support you, let us know." Lesja leans against Tommy and rests her head against theirs, watching her pup romp and play. Cluck Cluck by contrast is mostly just a chicken, but that's pretty rad in its own tiny dinosaur kind of way.

"I also have goats. And am going to get sheep, too! Kevin doesn't travel well, though. Because he's a giant asshole. These two, though, travel well. So." She falls silent for a second or two more before starting to hum the 'second hand emotion' line from Tina Turner's aforementioned banger.

"It's just talk at the moment, seeing if we click." he says, he does chuckle at the mention of housing, "I'll keep my apartment, thank you, took a pretty penny to be in Center City but it has room if you folxs ever need to crash."

"Goats are such ass holes." She offers a giggle. "I want to see whatever that wildebeest or, super shaggy derp looking cow with horns is though. I love those photos! So adorable!" She grins and looks between them. "I feel like I jive well with most, the question is, do you jive well with me." She nods matter of factly. "I swear I can be serious when the time calls for it."

"You were the inspiration, dear Lesja. I'm putting forth Thespis as another deputy, mainly to handle political messes I make and what not."

A grin on his face.

"Heighlandcoo?" Lesja perks up at the mention of the ridiculous russet colored potatocows. "Oh, they are the very best sort of cow. If you want we can go to Scotland sometime and visit a farm there and pet a real live heighlandcoo. It could even be in the heighlands if you wanted. We could get very recursive with this if we wanted."

She asides over to Bones, "Ever since I stopped being such a stick up the ass about magic, I've been to a lot of ridiculous places for frivolous reasons. If you ever want takeout from Marakesh, call me. Amazing stuff."

The news about Thespis is met with an inscrutable expression and a small sound in the back of her throat. "If you are certain that is best. I am probably not the person to be weighing in on this particular topic, however." She then adds, "I would add 'no offense', but for all that it's not intended at you personally your order can go and fuck itself." She takes in a breath and lets out a cleansing sigh. "That wasn't so bad. I feel better."

"Good job, Lesja. That's part of being a Thorn."

She perks up slowly, eyes widening in dawning understanding, "Ohhhhhh! Clever."

She stops, looks between Tommy and Thespis and cant help but laugh. "Tommy seriously fucking asked if Thespis could be his HR rep, and he said no, so Tommy gone and went and made him his HR rep!" She laughs even more shaking her head a bit.

Her eyes went wide to Lesja's offer and she nods. "I don't think I can say yes enough. I could hug slash kiss slash jump around with the enthusiasm of a 6 year old getting their dream toy."

he smiles at that, "Every insult to the Guardians I take as a badge of honor, so thank you." he nods, "Someone needs to do the dirty work so the rest can stay clean." he turns to Kenzie, "The key is to say no, then it's their idea." he chuckles

"Exactly, Aperture, exactly..."

"So what I am hearing is, I get to go pet some amazing highlandcoos and I am pretty sure I will be ok to die. Life goals done." She looks between the group again. "Anyone else suddenly have a desire to eat FroYo?"

Thespis raises a hand at FroYo

"Where's the best froyo place in the world? Our friend Lesja here could use Fate and Space to find it, and we could all go..."

"Well Tommy, I find that may be exceptionally personal. Perhaps we should just sample them and rank them." Because all the FroYo sounds better than some of the FroYo. She smiles to Thespis and his enthusiasm for the FroYo. "So, Thes, -- whats your go to flavor and topping combo?"

"What's FroYo?" Lesja has experienced many things in the intelligence services. Frozen yogurts, not among them.

"Frozen Yogurt, it's heavenly," he says to Lesja, "Vanilla and whip cream, call me a basic bitch." he shrugs

His phone chirped and he checked it with a thought and frowned, "I will have to take a rain check. Papi needs help. Lesja," he pulled out a book from his satchel, "This is part of my library. Could you send me there?

She quickly stole one last Tommy Kiss before he poofed. "Catch you soon!"

"Sure thing. Let's pop into the Auditorium for the spell? I don't want to get Nimbus on the Tree." She toddles off with Tommy to see that done, returning with Pupyat under arm a short time later, looking a little dimmed for having sent her friend away.

"So. Anyway," she attempts in regaining the mood, "any time you want to pop over? Happy do make that happen for you. I find the more of these little things I do for people the better I feel as a person. Which is pretty neat."

"Now I'm actually in the mood for Frozen Yogurt," he pouts, "What ya say Kenzie, want to show Lesja the heaven of FroYo, I'm buying."

She nods. "Uh, yeah. Like you even had to ask! Im a total ho for cake batter with cookie dough topping."

"This all sounds terrible. You know that, right? You are making me actively frightened for my safety." She is joking, but she is doing it with a killer deadpan. "Is there one locally?"

"Probably--- I mean, Definitely. There has to be. What city doesn't do FroYo?!" She grins to Lesja. "You should be scared. FroYo sounds amazing, and is amazing but when you eat it, it is just so stupidly average." She laughs. "Thats the entire point of FroYo."

Thespis looks at his phone, "Google says to try Kiwi Frozen Yogurt, best in the city, let's test that." he grins

"Oh," she says in sudden understanding, "slavic dessert. I understand." This? Oh, this she gets. Something that overpromises and underdelivers? Sign her up. Slap a red star and an ushanka on it and sign her the fuck up. "Yes, very well. Let us endure FroYo together. Should I get my-- actually." There's a pause as she reaches down for something, picking up a small squeeze-box accordian. She plays a few chords of a mournful melody and nods her head. "There. We can sing FroYo songs now."[3:15 PM]

"Sweet, Animals, FroYo and a Bard! Life can not get much better. But if you keep this up, you'll find a wild Kenzie kiss!" --- She snaps to Thespis again. "I need a Hollywood name. Kenzie is already shortened from my last name, so---"

he thinks, "Kenzie is a good name, maybe shorten your first?"

She grins and side eyes him. "I haven't told anyone my first name, long or short since arriving here in Philly."

"My pistol is older than you are," Lesja observes on the topic of kissing. It is less of a deal breaker. More of an FYI. "Also I'm married. Also I'm trans." She waits to see if there's anything else that pops into her mind as reasons why kissing might not necessarily be an impulse she wants to follow. "Also, I used to be a Guardian of the Veil." And that's it, it seems. She nods her head. "I just don't want-- you know. I have to be careful. To. You understand." She adds somewhat awkwardly, "Tommy knew all of that before I kissed them. Which is why this conversation wasn't happening before-- all of this conversation being fine is part of why I kissed them?"

She goes to scratch behind her ear, but it makes the squeeze box wheeze and honk so she stops that right away and resumes standing awkwardly in place, muting the instrument. "I'll stop talking now." A beat. "Nice chicken."

"I need to start dating again." he sighs around so many people who seem to be having fun connections to others, but he shakes his head, "But for now, work," he exclaims, "If I may ask, what's your first name, their might be a fun name we can make from it."

She just laughs. "Why does any of that matter? You're cool, we get along. That checks all of my boxes. But, also, most of the time I am joking and sarcastic. So don't take my threats of kisses too seriously. When a boundary is set, I follow it. Otherwise, I just have fun and if more fun is to be had, why limit oneself?" She smirks back over to Thespis. "Because if you know my name, you can make me be in trouble. You can't be in trouble if someone can't use your full name." she teased.

"Oh, no. It shouldn't be; it isn't, in fact. That doesn't mean you don't have some need to know about some of those things, and I have a right to know that you're deserving of some of those things if some of those things are to be entertained. That's all. I'm one of those ethical sluts, I suppose." Lesja's expression grows thoughtful, as though she's never really considered the term in reference to herself before.

"So start dating again," she suggests to Thespis with all the frank bluntness of her people.

She nods to Lesja, and nods again in agreement to her statement to Thespis. "Yeah, I've never dated, but it can't be that hard, right?"

She laughs suddenly, "I have no idea." The laugh redoubles and she starts bending over with it.

"Fine, but think on your first name and think of a nickname, although I still think Kenzie would be good branding." he turns to the laughing Lesja, "It's not hard, just hard to get back into when you get screwed over like I did." he shrugs, "But I'm sure if I put myself out their maybe I'll fine someone, untill then I'll just have fun with whoever wants I guess." he looks at his phone, "But yes, Kiwi FroRo, portal or car, mine can fit us?" he offers

"Can I tell Man that you suggested we portal for FroYo? I want to see the look on what passes for his face." Lesja's laughter remains in place, but it doesn't keep her from talking. Oh, this is all hilarious, apparently. "We should take the car, I think. Oh, my God. That is funny. Holy fuck." Wiping at her eyes with the hand not holding the squeeze box, she starts for the exit casually.

"Don't look at me. A woman hit me up for Pelmeni one afternoon and now she lives with me. I don't fucking know how any of it works. Dating is for suckers, maybe. Maybe it's just clumsily stumbling through life until you knock heads with someone precisely as needfully stupid as you are, just in complementarily stupid ways. Just, you know, an oroborous of human ignorance and need and then you come together and sort your shit out together. Maybe it happens in pairs, or in threes and fours, or in time from one person to the next. But I'll be fucked if intentionality has ever had any purpose in my life, romantically. Like. I can't contrive to have a relationship with someone. Fuck. Kenzie just blew my mind. Dang it. I can't play polka songs with a blown mind. Except Al Yankovic."

"Portal was a joke." he assures, walking to the exit, "I'll buy so don't worry, and hands off the radio, if you don't like Queen or Journey then tough luck."

She laughs as well happily. "It is FroYo, mundane seems the way to go for this. A ride would be nice though. Too cold for the skate board anyway." She follows them happily, she skips along with the two, Linking her arms trying to make them skip with her. "I'm going to jam so hard to Fat Bottom Girls."

"They make this rocking world go 'round," Lesja agrees, adopting a skip much to her pup's barking approval.