Logs:Such Clouds, Much Bork

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Closed train station @ Market Street


TheUserWin: “A special situation is ongoing at 2955 Market Street. Please respond to it if you’re nearby/Able to. - ESTHER”

After receiving the messages, the two magi approaches the central train station from their preferred avenue. The building is closed down for the night, that much is obvious from the lights being mostly off and the lack of any obvious activity from around and within. It's sort of a chilly night, their breathe showing in the night's air. A strange feeling rise and their Peripheral sight alert them both to the shenanigans afoot, the presence of the supernatural, although no obvious sign of it is immediately present.

Jeremiah Hamilton: The text message had piqued Jeremiah's curiosity to say the least, arriving at the station not long after he had received it. The Mastigos meandered in with eyes peeled both mundanely and magically, looking about curiously as he went.

Alexis "Rashida" Bartram: Alexis trots down the empty street from the direction U.Penn to catch up with her cadremate, the fading sylables of High Speech falling from her lips as she completes the casting of a spell on the fly. (Casting Fools Rush In, rollin Dice)

TheUserWin: Nothing is particularly obvious about the closed down building in terms of magical occurence, except for their peripheral sight alerting them to the presence of it. A car goes down the street nearby, full speed and not stopping as the lights turn green, people are rapidly vanishing from sight as they try to escape the cold.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah's eyebrow arched a touch as the Sight revealed something out of the ordinary, making his way towards one corner of the building. He found a convenient piece of wall to hold up close to the lower set of windows, watching them curiously for a moment as the spell's ripples washed over the area to get a read on what sort of emotion they were emitting.

Alexis "Rashida" Bartram: Alexis glances around for the ubiquitous security cameras and scooting over to a spot on the wall where they didn't quite reach while looking for a route into the building that wouldn't end with them getting a B&E charge

TheUserWin: Alexis notices that whatever cameras on the train station are mostly pointing toward the entrances, not directly at a random side windows, though it's likely something might be around the corner, or one of the cameras might rotate a bit. They're not in immediate danger of being spotted.

Jay's sort of confused for a moment by the opacity of the mystery he's studying right this moment, and the magi is faced with the choice of either scrutinize to peel away the mystery so that another revelation attempt might be made, or abandon the process already.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah frowned as the working proved difficult to unfurl, standing up a little straighter before going back at it.

Alexis "Rashida" Bartram: "Ok, I'm really regretting not learning Forces work right now..." She glances at Jay, reluctant to do any overt magic to scout ahead until he's done scrutinizing the mystery

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Can handle that once I get through this..." he replied quietly, his focus still on the working as he slowly tried to peel back the layers.

TheUserWin: As more of the mystery erodes under Jay's persistence, like a rock against the sea, suddenly every noise are so much loud for just a brief moment to him. His ear ringing from it, a hint to the nature of the magical phenomenon maybe?

TheUserWin: As the last piece of the mystery erode away, ripe open for the revelation, Jay's nose feels strangely feel itchy, possibly causing a sneeze, it's just another hint.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah winced as the sounds around him suddenly got cranked up to eleven, a hand going up to his ear on reflex. "Son of a bitch..." He shook his head as though to clear it before going back at it, his nose wrinkling as the mystery revealed itself. He got a quick "'s open" out before he turned his head and covered up the sneeze that followed, eyeing the working once things had settled back down. "The hell are you..." (3x)

TheUserWin: It all opens to his mind, like Kay's favorite cat gif. He sees the energy now, emerging from inside of the station, strong, animalistic confusion dancing on the notes of a Force effect that would equate to about a disciple skill in terms of power.

Both of them hear a high pitched bark from inside, windows rattling, lights flickering for a moment in the building, then everything is calm again.

Alexis "Rashida" Bartram: "...that sounded not entirely unlike a tiny puppy, except someone loaned it Spinal Tap's amp setup. Whut" Alexis blinks, "Any ideas?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "It's...confused, weird as that sounds. Some kind of Forces effect, maybe tied to whatever barked in there." He looked through the window to see if they could get a glimpse of what was within. "Can cloak us well enough to get inside, though."

Alexis "Rashida" Bartram: "That would be handy. Want me to do anything?"

TheUserWin: Through the window, after just a few moment of observation? it seems like this particular window leads into an empty office space with a few boxes.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "You want to drop an Incognito while I handle the visual side?"

Alexis "Rashida" Bartram: "Can do." Alexis pen twirls between her fingers as she summons up the familiar praxis to cloak them both from mundane notice.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah, for his part, tugged the serpent pendant from under his shirt and held it in hand, focusing on his own casting. Once the spell settled into place he relaxed, looking to Alexis and giving a nod. "All set."

Alexis "Rashida" Bartram: Alexis reaches out and taps Jay on the shoulder, letting the SEP field settle around them both, "Same."

TheUserWin: Their magic woven into the patterns of reality, they are now unseen in more ways than one, now, which path would they be taking in their explorations?

Jeremiah Hamilton: "So...go for a main entrance or look for something a little more sneaky?"

Alexis "Rashida" Bartram: "I think just walk in like we own it. I'm fresh out of lockpicks, anyway."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Fair enough. If we can find one with an electric lock I can probably spark it."

Alexis "Rashida" Bartram: "Public building. Emergency doors have to be able to be opened from the inside even when the building is closed. Just push the bar open with Forces."

TheUserWin: Finding an emergency exits is not that complicated, they're all at the place they should be... and it seems like that's the same entry point that was use earlier, Bonus, a white tuft of fur is stuck on the door frame.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Huh..." Jeremiah eyed the tuft of fur, motioning towards it before focusing on the door. "Grab that for me when this opens, yeah? Might be able to track down our friend with it."

Alexis "Rashida" Bartram: "Good idea." Alexis digs through her stuff, coming up with a little pocket notebook that she flips open to the unused end to tuck the fur into once she grabs it.

TheUserWin: And the door thus await their attempt to open it, with the fur is tucked away securely.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah nodded, resting his hand against the door and focusing on the mechanisms within. "Here goes nothing..."

TheUserWin: Clunks It appears to have worked rather easily, the door is now opened without much of a problem!

Alexis "Rashida" Bartram: Alexis snatches the fur if it tumbles free, or plucks it up if not, tucking it into the pocket notes and slipping that away before sliding through the door into the empty building.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Getting the hang of using this, slowly but surely." Jeremiah said with a grin, holding the door open for Alexis all gentlemanly-like and following in after her.

TheUserWin: The building looks like most buildings after being closed, some lights remain, but it's mostly rather dark inside. The hallway they're coming into seems to be some kind of administrative area, though probably not the main one. From just a simple look, most of the offices are so bare, no one is likely occupying them.

Little markers indicate where things are with arrows, cafeteria, storage, B1, Reception Desk and the binary gendered bathrooms. No immediate sign of the creature who lost the white fur.

Alexis "Rashida" Bartram: "Whaddya think, central hub or the utility areas?" Alexis asks, glancing at the sign with the arrows briefly before examining the floor just inside the door for any claw scratches or the like

TheUserWin: No such trace appear evident to Alexis.

TheUserWin: Jay finds a bit of white fur on the few steps heading up to the small cafeteria.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Got something." He motioned towards the fluff, heading to it and looking around for any other signs of the pup's passage. "Picking up anything Sight-wise on your end?"

TheUserWin: As Jay gets closer to the Cafeteria to pick up the fur, it appears that the fridge door is open, judging by the lights coming in from inside.

Alexis "Rashida" Bartram: "Nothing yet, unless yo...welp." Alexis slides over to the wall next to the Cafeteria entrance, taking a deep but slow breath in while listening for anything moving inside

TheUserWin: A few step in, they peek into the cafeteria and quickly realize that there is a lunch box, torn open, that's laying in front of the still open fridge, with the sandwiches in it completely eaten. However, neither of them notice anything with their mundane senses.

However, their peripheral sight tingle for a moment, alerting them to an oncoming effect.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah slipped into the cafeteria with the quickness, his head tilting at the sight of the pillaged lunch box. "Huh..." He looked ready to move in further when that buzz of active magic rose up, readying himself to counter whatever was coming.

Alexis "Rashida" Bartram: Alexis quickly pulls up Prime Mage Armor, hoping it will at least manage to blunt whatever is about to wash over her as she follows Jay into the room.

TheUserWin: Both magi put up a decent defense against the sudden magical "assault" If one can call what happens that even. Sneaking up behind them is a young, FLUFFY white dog. It lets out a really, really oud bark that grows in decibel to an almost painful degree until the magic powering it up is countered by Jay's prime, before Alexis's armor is even needed for her defense.

The dog looks confused, at first, by the loudness of its own bark, backing away from it with its ear backing away from it, whining and snapping at the air. However, it also seems confused when the bark just disappears from the the air before reaching it's full decibels. It's tail start wagging wildly. It has bits of the sandwiches stuck on its nose.

Alexis "Rashida" Bartram: "...why is there a forces-enhanced friendly low-flying cloud in the closed train station?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah's features softened as he saw the dog, that "aww, puppy" look forming on his features with very little effort. "I have no idea. Poor little guy looks confused, though." He dropped down in a crouch, holding a hand out and beckoning the pup over. "C'mere...let me take a look at you."

TheUserWin: The dog does approach the two magi with caution, sniffing the air in front of them, sniffing the ground close to them. It barks once, though it's not supernally powered, it is very, very loud, as Samoyed barking tend to be.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "It's okay...we're not here to hurt you." Jeremiah said softly, letting the dog get used to their presence without making any sudden movements. He looked over the pup as he did so, head tilting a touch. "It's definitely the source, and it's been infused with potentia, probably to power the effect. Makes you wonder why, though, and who did it..."

Alexis "Rashida" Bartram: Alexis takes a look at the Samoyed with Prime while sitting down cross-legged near the fluffball, trying to get a good look at the spell's structure and possibly the Signature Nimbus of whoever placed it

TheUserWin: The dog seems calmed by the calm response to its presence and remains next to them, it looks up at the fridge. There is a flash of magic and the door clumsily swings open further, maybe bumping into Alexis. the dog start looking through the fridge, sniffing around.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Whoa...hey there." Jeremiah smirked as the dog started in on the fridge once again, helping to steady Alexis if needed. "He's a man on a mission, looks like."

TheUserWin: The effect on the dog is... not usual, it's not like a spell powering the dog. The dog registers as having something akin to gnosis and a potentia pool of its own. You don't detect any nimbus on it or from it either. What it truly is? Obscured by the mystery so far.

It retrieves an ice pack of all thing from the fridge.

TheUserWin: The revelation, after so much mystery is peeled away place the dog before them in a different light. It is not entirely unlike an artifact? Except this one sheds (like a lot), breathes and needs to eat too. Apparently. There may be more to it, but that might require investigation with a lot of information on hand.

Alexis "Rashida" Bartram: "Hm. A living artifact? But artifacts are supposed to be inherently derived from the Supernal realms...this feels like an All Dogs Go To Heaven joke." Alexis glances at Jay and then gets a couple $20s out of her wallet, putting them inside the lunchbox of the poor bastard whose food was sacrificed to the altar of hungry forces doge before returning it to the fridge

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Just a bit, yeah..." Jeremiah looked towards Alexis and then back towards the pup to see if it had a collar or the like. "May not be a bad idea to take him home to look him over properly, see what's going on."

Alexis "Rashida" Bartram: "Oh, certainly. I was just making sure lunchtime conversation is gonna be really odd tomorrow." Alexis grins and then looks at the dog, "Hey buddy, wanna come outside with us? Its colder out there."