Logs:This Shit Doesn't Deserve To Be Easy

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Content Warning

discussion of addiction, alcoholism, rehab. self flagellation


Mearcstapa, Jack Martingale


Digital space


Text to Jack from Mearcstapa:

i've consulted one of my subject matter experts on alcoholism, and am getting some advice. how strict do you want information control on this matter?


i dont want a whole lotta people knowing about it. if you trust their discretion i do
what advice did they have?


rehab. a program. outside help. i've been given permission explicitly to inform you that sturm has dealt with this sort of thing herself. it's why she doesn't drink now.
she's up to talking to you whenever, and willing to support you. also, i'm not going to drink around you anymore.


i don't think checking myself into rehab would help
no thank you to giving up my autonomy like that
i'll see about reaching out to her though


yeah, i know what you mean about checking yourself into rehab. uh, the other thought i had was talking to one of the mages with healing talents, like fox or someone about...if magic can help with the physical symptoms of withdrawal?
you'd still probably need help in the process, but. it's an idea.


maybe yeah
im sure it won't be as bad this time around


still, if we can help with it...then we can help with it. you don't need to carry it all alone


i mean
it is kinda my shit to carry


share the burden. we're here for you, that's part of this love thing.


part of me wants it to be hard.
like this shit doesn't deserve to be easy


punishing yourself?


if its hard i wont feel as bad when i fuck it up