Mortal+/Theme/Psychic Vampires/Overview

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 Psychic Vampirism is as old as human consciousness. Those with the unique condition have been here in the Delaware Valley when the Lenape stewarded the rivers and streams; and before them, to the very first peoples to settle there. It's been known to crop up from corrupted artifacts uncovered in forgotten tombs, or dug out of caves along the river. It's been passed from the aged and powerful to their victims. It's been present from birth, seemingly carried in the bloodlines of some, or randomly appearing in others. No one is quite certain what causes it, but it always takes on a very particular form.

 Here in Philadelphia, the urban sprawl of one of the east coast's major cities provides an ample feeding ground. The millions that live here sustain an ever growing population of psychic vampires. And the proximity of each to the other has fostered a semblance of a community among the typically solitary hunters. While no one would consider the society an amicable one, the carving up of territory within the region and the ability to communicate such claims to others has been found valuable by some. Typically the powerful and well established. Those new to the condition, however, often struggle to find a place within the community, and risk the ire of others when they feed their need for Ephemera in someone else's SEPTA train.