Changeling/Approval Procedures/Ticket Format

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Ticket Format

Please use the below formatting when submitting your ticket for approval. Your ticket may be returned if it does not follow the below format, since this is in place to make sure that staff get all the information they need and can quickly process characters.

Player Name & Profile: Name and link to your player profile
Character Name:
Character Wiki: [Please insert character wiki URL here]
Character Sheet Link: [Please insert character sheet link here, and see Approval Procedures to make sure it has all the relevant info]
Court: [If Courtless, please see below under Signoffs]
Gentry: [Please insert direct link to Gentry writeup here, example ]
Frailties: [Please be sure to list whether it's a Minor or Major Frailty, why your character has it ('Wyrd 3 Frailty'), and whether it's a Bane or a Taboo. Frailties must make sense to your character in some way -- a scarecrow with a bane of 'fire' makes sense, but why does your mermaid have a bane of 'sunlight'? Please be able to explain it in terms of their Durance or background if it doesn't make immediate sense.]
Favored Regalia: [You get one from your Seeming and one of your choice. Please list both here.]

Starting Merit Dots Spent:
[Wyrd: X dots
Merit level 0-3: 3 dots]
Here you list only your ten starting merit dots and where you spent them. Any merit dots purchased with XP should be listed below.

XP Spent:
[Item 1: 1 XP
Item 2: 2 XP Stat from 2 to 4: total XP for buying it from 2-4]
If banking XP for later expenditure, please put at the bottom: 'Banked XP: X'

Magical Equipment:
[Item with full stats written up as per the CtL core book, or NONE]. Please be sure your Hedgespun follows 2.0 rules and note that Tokens require Spider's review and may extend wait time.

Mundane Equipment:
[Mundane item, page X, book that's on our Books list - please do not submit equipment from books not on this list!
Modified item, full stats block, this will require AdHoc's review
Anything your character could reasonably purchase at a store under normal circumstances, like a snack and water or a thing of super glue, you don't NEED to have it listed.
Loosely speaking, you can have a couple of items up to 2 dots above your Resources level, since Resources indicates liquid cash, not your full assets.]

Justification for Out-of-Seeming Contract Clauses [If applicable]
Please submit the PC (or staff-created PC already on the wiki) from whom you learned this and the details (or proposed details) of your Pupil's Oath. If it's a PC, we will obviously need to confirm that with them, which may cause delays in approval.

[Please see Approval Procedures and make sure you have included all necessary items]


  1. If Courtless, please note that you understand you have one season to choose a Court or your character will be
    1. escorted out of Philadelphia and
    2. become unplayable.
  2. Please make a brief note that you understand your character is expected to be a member of the Freehold; we don't allow non-Freehold characters, it's just too much fuss for staff.
  3. If you have purchased a Goblin Contract, please affirm that you have read the section on Goblin Debt on p 162 of CtL 2.0 core and understand that
    1. You are responsible for tracking Goblin Debt and not accurately doing so is cheating
    2. You understand the consequences of not paying off your Goblin Debt
  4. Please affirm that you have read our Site_Policies, Game Conventions and Courteous Practices pages, and the Beat_Tracker page.

And then submit the ticket and wait. We are going to have our work cut out for us.

Please don't get discouraged if your character gets returned for review or tweaking -- this is what Beta is about. This isn't us picking on you, it doesn't mean we don't like your character. If anything, it means we really like your character and we want to make sure that you're set up properly so that we can best tell awesome stories in our shared universe. Getting bounced back for tweaking is not a denial, it is being returned for changes.