Hot Doug

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Fly By Night Society President

Hot Doug has been lurking around Philadelphia since the early 20th Century and has been known by the name Hot Doug for as long as he has been here. Nobody except maybe the Sakima knows where he came from, but he doesn't seem to have any plans on leaving.

He's the head of the Fly By Night Society, which many people consider to be kind of a joke of a family, but when he petitioned for his Flyers fan club to be recognized as a Nosferatu family the entire caucus agreed that the club stood by each other and supported each other enough that the caucus were willing to count it.

RP Hooks
  • Flyers - Most Flyers fans who go to games regularly are likely to know Hot Doug. He's the guy who always seems to have a talent for breaking up fights (once they get out of hand). Mostly by going from affable if prone to saying the wrong things to just downright terrifying.
  • Broken Stair? - While Hot Doug is actually a genuinely kind teddy bear of a person who doesn't mean to say things that offend people, somehow he always manages to do so... with mortals. His Nosferatu curse manifests in almost everything coming out of his mouth landing wrong to mortals ears, usually in an offensive way. He usually gets along with supernatural people just fine.
  • Model Airplaines - Hot Doug is a model airplane enthusiast, particularly sailplanes. Sometimes he shows up in weird places to fly one. Yes, at night.

No logs found.

Hot Doug (NPC)
Pronouns: He/Him
Date of Birth: ???
Apparent Age: 30-something?
Occupation: Hockey fan?

Clan: Nosferatu
Covenant: Carthian Movement
Bloodline: Azerkatil