Cookie Monster/Hooks

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Wild Child

Stagnation is Death and Enlightenment is motion; kick normal in the teeth and ride the lightning, that’s what Cookie lives for. The human personification of “There ain’t no laws when you’re drinking Claws”, Cookie is the kind of man who’s always down to drink a pot of coffee and get in a knife fight with a god behind a gas station.

Oh Feed Me, Seymour!

Cookie loves him that sweet, sweet knowledge. Teach him something and you’ll be friends. Random fact? How to make cannoli? The secret to good pillows?

Oooh, It Has Pockets

Maybe it’s because he’s an Acanthus, maybe because his Shadow Name is perfect, but Cookie loves weird shit. His specialty is Non-Supernal magic, but any occult unnusualality is sure to attract his attention.

That Man is Playing Galaga!

Adventure is a big draw for our man Cookie Monster. Besides playing video games like they’re serious business, he really does like to get out. Knowledge is great, but experience is a big deal too. You don’t blast your way through learning magic without diving headfirst into expanding your horizons at every opportunity.