Vincent Drake/Contacts

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Avery Frisk-My Angel who keeps me sane
Titania-Ishtar,goddess of power
Jean-Louis Visigny-Winthrope-Teacher, mentor, I don't know what to call this guy but he's the only one providing lessons
Valeria Rolan-Ruiz-My 'other' sister, she's found the worst drug
Maria Angelica-My Queen Shit
Henevi-The Mother Goddess
Tommy Shanks-My Friend
Ylva Theodulus-A fellow addict and hopefully a friend
Arthur Phoenix-OMG, We got a Date!
Izumi Masaki-Finally, someone to gush over anime with!
Snowy-Game respects game
Alexandra McKenzie-A good friend, I hope she finds what she's looking for
Juliet Morrigan-My Sworn Liege
Remona Cortez-She scares me, not going to lie, but we're on the same team
Arthur Franklin-Welcome to the association
Ginevra Russo-She's got the right idea of things, I look forward to working with her
Klaire Henriette-If Eggshells where a cop
Leila Zaki-My digital penpal, heard she's coming home soon.
Tonya Brooks-Big mom vibes
Hannah Candles-She's like an excitable puppy, it's adorable really
Azuma Hiroko-She's having some pretty bad culture shock, hope we can be friends