Mage/Approval Procedures/Ticket Format

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Ticket Format

Please use the below formatting when submitting your ticket for approval. Your ticket may be returned if it does not follow the below format, since this is in place to make sure that staff get all the information they need and can quickly process characters.

Player Name & Profile: Name and link to your player profile
Character Name:
Shadow Name:
Character Wiki: [Please insert character wiki URL here]
Character Sheet Link: [Please insert character sheet link here, and see Approval Procedures to make sure it has all the relevant info]
Resistance Attribute Dot: [Resolve/Stamina/Composure]
Order: [If a member of an Unnamed Order or an Apostate, please see below under Signoffs]
Legacy: [If any]
Aspirations: [Two Short-Term Aspirations, One Long-term Aspiration. Short-term aspirations should be fulfillable within a scene, like 'meet a new Mage' or 'spar with my friend Alice.' Long-term aspirations should require several scenes at minimum to complete and may be a lifetime goal, even if that goal isn't achievable. Your character could have 'become the Hierarch' as a long-term aspiration, even though that will never happen in the scope of this game as all sphere leadership will always be NPCs. Your character earns beats by working toward long-term aspirations even if those aspirations cannot be realized within the scope of the game, or are otherwise impossible. You could have a long-term aspiration to 'make Capitalism ethical' and work toward it even though ethical Capitalism doesn't exist.]
Immediate Nimbus:
Nimbus Tilt:
Long Term Nimbus:
Signature Nimbus:

Starting Merit Dots Spent:
Here you list only your ten starting merit dots and where you spent them. Any merit dots purchased with XP should be listed below. The first column of #'s should total 10.

# Item 1
# Item 2
# Stat from 2 to 4
Where # should be the number of dots that spend costs.


5 Gnosis 2
4 Resources 4
1 Status (Consilium) 1

XP Spent:

# Item 1
# Item 2
# Stat from 2 to 4
Where # should be the number of XP that spend costs.


5 Gnosis from 2 to 3
4 Brawl from 1 to 3
1 Brawl (Headbutting)

If banking XP for later expenditure, please put at the bottom: 'Banked XP: X'

Location Info

  1. If you have a Hallow:
    1. Is it shared? If so, with whom/what group? (Please list 'Shared with X' on your sheet itself as well)
  2. If you have a Safe Place:
    1. Is it shared? If so, with whom/what group? (Please list 'Shared with X' on your sheet itself as well)
    2. Please list where it is, at least in vague terms: 'In the northeast'
    3. House? Apartment? Warehouse? What is it?

Magical Equipment / Magical Tools:
[Item with full stats written up as per the Mage core book and the stat blocks found here, or NONE].

Mundane Equipment:
[Mundane item, page X, book that's on our Books list - please do not submit equipment from books not on this list!
Modified item, full stats block, this will require AdHoc's review. Use the ticket template for custom equipment found here.
Anything your character could reasonably purchase at a store under normal circumstances, like a snack and water or a thing of super glue, you don't NEED to have it listed.
Loosely speaking, you can have a couple of items up to 2 dots above your Resources level, since Resources indicates liquid cash, not your full assets.]

[Please see Approval Procedures and make sure you have included all necessary items]


  1. If an Apostate or an Unnamed who is not a part of the Assembly or the Children of the Tree, please note that you understand your character will still be subject to the laws of the Consilium, but enjoy no rights of membership to either organization.
  2. Please affirm that you have read our Site_Policies, Game Conventions and Courteous Practices pages, and the Beat_Tracker page.

And then submit the ticket and wait. We are going to have our work cut out for us.

Please don't get discouraged if your character gets returned for review or tweaking -- this is what Beta is about. This isn't us picking on you, it doesn't mean we don't like your character. If anything, it means we really like your character and we want to make sure that you're set up properly so that we can best tell awesome stories in our shared universe. Getting bounced back for tweaking is not a denial, it is being returned for changes.