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[[Category:PC]][[Category:Vampire]][[Category:Active PC]][[Category:Daeva]][[Category:Invictus]][[Category:Scions of the First City]] [[Category:Rodriguez]]
[[Category:PC]][[Category:Vampire]][[Category:Active PC]][[Category:Daeva]][[Category:Invictus]][[Category:Scions of the First City]] [[Category:Wright]] [[Category:Crime]]
| Character name = Vincent Drake
| Model name =
| title                = The City's Scion
| Sample =
| title                = A Smile and Lie: The Daeva Orphan
| full name            = Vincent Drake
| full name            = Vincent Drake
| played by            = [[User:Emperor Tremere|Emperor Tremere]]
| played by            = [[User:Emperor Tremere|Emperor Tremere]]

Latest revision as of 02:53, 10 July 2023

The City's Scion
Overview-Vincent has made some splashes with is dive into his Requiem, but he's swimming fine. The hometown boy that's sitting comfortable among thieves,this lordling's set out to make the Underworld his kingdom, more importantly he's Philadelphia's resident Scion and will do whatever it takes to serve and protect his city, no matter who or what has to burn to make Mother happy.

History-Born and raised in Philly, Vincent learned early on not to rely on anyone for anything. His parents where either too drunk or too strung out to care for him so he learned to fend for himself. Vinny soon learned from the streets, starting by helping others with their scams then striking out against marks. When social services came, he took his sister and ran, preferring a chance on the streets to social services. For years he's relied on good looks and social grace to get him out of bind of course it's led to the occasional chase down the streets are alleys from jealous partners. He doesn't want to be a con man forever, he's always wanted more and is willing to take what life owes him. It was this ambition and will to survive that led to his sire embracing him. Meeting a girl at a party, Vinny was lured away and turned into a Daeva, his sire Cynthia who turned him and was soon killed for embracing without the neonates consent. He now finds himself a newborn in the world of undead, however he plans to survive.

Appearance-A fragile-looking, handsome man with a beautiful face or a mischievous and unsavory character, both are perfectly fine ways to describe Vincent. With a lithe build and short black hair, he's not exactly a threatening figure and plenty of folks have sized him up to be perfectly harmless, just like he wants them to think. He has two tattoo's, the Mark of Slaanesh on his chest and covering his back are raven wings, with white feathers on the top. His accent is pure North Philly, but when he speaks Russian a hint of a Russian accent might peek through.

Personality-It's not that Vinny is heartless, he would argue that he cares alot about people, it's just that people have let him down. His parents where hardly fit for the title and he had to fend for himself and his sister, giving him a strong sense of 'family first'. Deep inside however are layers of self-hatred and self-worth issues, scars left by childhood, leaving him to overthing situations and often hurting himself with his 'solutions' to problems. He will take advantage of a sucker who seems too stupid for their money but will try to focus on folks who deserve it. He's learned that knowledge is power and values information more than brute strength. When it comes to people, he likes to observe 'interesting folks, those who have a story or are going to make one, and he'll be there with the popcorn to watch it unfold. He can be a fool when in love, seeing his partner as someone worth more than himself. More than anything however he wants the life he thinks he and his sister are owed, and he'll do anything to get their. Recently he's developed a new confidence and sense of leadership.

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Avery Frisk-My Angel who keeps me sane

Maria Angelica-My Queen Shit
Alice Drake-Proof I can do something right
Valeria Rolan-Ruiz-Thats my fucking best friend, thats my fucking right hand, thats my threw up in the bathroom but still love them.
Titania-Ishtar, a problem that needs a solution
Jean-Louis Visigny-Winthrope-Teacher, mentor, I don't know what to call this guy but he's the only one providing lessons
Henevi-The Mother Goddess
Tommy Shanks-Smartest fucking mage I know
Ylva Theodulus-She's like me, see's through my masks and BS, easy to talk to, even if I annoy her
Arthur Phoenix-The only man I can properly nerd out with
Izumi Masaki-Finally, someone to gush over anime with!
Snowy-Game respects game
Alexandra McKenzie-Human gasoline and a sexy timelord
Juliet Morrigan-My former Liege
Remona Cortez-She scares me, not going to lie, but we're on the same team
Arthur Franklin-Welcome to the association
Ginevra Russo-She's got the right idea of things, I look forward to working with her
Klaire Henriette-If Eggshells where a cop
Leila Zaki-I wish I'd known and could have helped you, but I'm glad we're still close.
Tonya Brooks-Big mom vibes
Hannah Candles-She's like an excitable puppy, it's adorable really
Azuma Hiroko-Her eyes are easy to get lost in
Fox-I don't know if we're friends or anything, but our conversations are enlightening
Yllka Qosja-I like the cut of her jib

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RP Hooks
  • Family Matters - Vincent's been caring for his sister Alice since they were kids, no way he'll let undeath stop him. Anything that threatens her is thus his primary concern.
  • Bi the Way -Cute girls, Cute guys, as long as everyone's having fun, makes no difference
  • Sins of the Sire-He never asked for this, to be denied a summer's day, a warm touch, the satisfaction of a good meal, he lost all these simple pleasure just because he caught the eye of a Succubus, Vinny doesn't want to admit it but the circumstances of his embrace have left him a tad bitter, he'll try to make the best of it, but if he could learn more about her. . .he could find a way to get revenge after her death, as with vampires, the best way to spit on their grave is to destroy their legacy.
  • Vice Game-Vincent wants to move on from confidence jobs and establish himself in the Vice game and he's looking for like minded people to form a criminal enterprise with
  • Crime Time!-Honest days work. . .nah, Vinny would rather cheat and steal. Anyone who has some shady dealings or just wants to go and Fuck the Police, Vinny would like to join you, and maybe profit a little. Hell, he's got some friends in the Philly Mob and is running the Night Howlers.
  • A humble Steward-Vinny has been shown the divinity of the City, and wishes to establish himself as the leader of a Cult dedicated to Her, one that would aid, protect, and guide the City and it's community, he is but a humble Steward
  • All Hail Concordia-Vincent has a dream, a united Philly underworld held together by unity and social agreement, under him and an inner council of course, where criminals resolve disputes with words rather then guns and follow a strict code of conduct, he's recruiting and slowly building, and if you're in the underworld, he may need you, Viva Concordia!
  • Proud and Noble Scion-Vincent is a proud member of the First Estate as well as the only Harbinger in the city, if you need someone with a connection to the City itself, he'll see what the Mother has to share. His devotion to the city has become religious for lack of a better word.
  • The White Corax-A new soon to open Nightclub, owned by Vincent

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Kind words, Cruel words, As long as it's about Vinny

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Vincent Drake

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Full Name: Vincent Drake
Pronouns: he/him
Occupation: Steward of the City (rising Crime Lord)
Birth: 2/4/1998
Nationality: Russian-American
Apparent Age: 24
Height: 175 cm (5'9")
Clan: Daeva
Bloodline: Scions of the First City
Covenant: Invictus
Family: Wright
Public Effects: Presence-4
Striking Looks(Boyish)-2
Fast Talker-3
Kiss of the Succubus-1
Status (Clan - Daeva) - 2
Status (City) -1
Status (Covenant - Invictus) - 1
Staust (Covenant-Crone)-1
Status (Crime:3)
Status (Crime: Philly Mob)-1
Status (Crime: Night Howlers)-5
Allies (Dirty Cops)-3
Allies (Night Howlers)-1
Language -3 (Russian, French, Spainish)
Contacts-6 (Confidence Artists, Street Kids, Philly Mob, Pigeons, Rats, Sex Workers)
Honey Trap
Partners: Avery Frisk
Maria Angelica
Voice claim: Neil Patrick Harris
Coterie: N/A

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Good Life-Three Days Grace

This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race-Fallout Boy

Feeling Good-Micheal Buble

I Want It All-Queen

Raised by Wolves-Falling in Reverse

Your Gonna Go Far Kid-Offspring

I Don't Care-Fallout Boy

Could Have Been Me-The Struts

Gangsters Paradise-Coolio

Paint it Black-Rolling Stones

Hooked (Addicted You Might Say)-Eleisha Eagle

My Own Worst Enemy-Lit

Not a Saint-Breaking Through

I Want To Conquer The World-Bad Religion

No Rest for the Wicked-Cage the Elephant

Sinners-Barnes Courtney


Everyone Else is an Asshole-Reel Big Fish

St.Jimmy-Green Day

Empire-Breathing Theory

Rule the World-Kamelot

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Played By: Emperor Tremere